Invisa Line
Invisalign braces are a particularly useful and stylish way of straightening your teeth. At Hyan Dental Arts, our experienced professionals will work with you on an individual basis to give you a straight set of teeth and restore your confident smile. This write up exposes you to what your treatment will entail as a typical Invisalign patient journey:
- Invisalign consultation
At this stage you discuss with us to discover is an Invisalign treatment is right for you. It includes a brief dental exam, and you ask questions and know the cost and treatment duration.
- ClinCheck
At this stage, we take impressions that used to create a digital model of your teeth using a unique ClinCheck software.
- Virtual treatment plan
So you know what to expect, your virtual treatment plan is then sent back to you, and your orthodontist.
- Your Invisalign Braces
After approval by your dentist, you get a custom Invisalign aligners to straighten your teeth.
- Check-ups
Your dentist will give you a few aligners at a time and schedule visits to check your progress.
- Refinements
Towards the end of your treatment, you may require some extra improvements to give you the very best results.
- Fasteners
When your treatment is complete, you’ll be given fixed, invisible & removable retainers.
- Follow-up care
Follow-Up care is agreed with your dentist for regular check-ups, and you can also get in touch if you have any problems.